How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google that allows companies and advertisers to create and display ads in Google search results, on partner websites, in mobile applications and elsewhere on the Google network.
Escrito por
Javier Domínguez
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Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google that allows companies and advertisers to create and display ads in Google search results, on partner websites, in mobile applications and elsewhere on the Google network. This platform uses a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, which means that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad.

Google Ads works through real-time auctions in which advertisers compete for the visibility of their ads based on the keywords they choose and other segmentation factors, such as geographical location, demographics and the interests of the target audience. Ads appear in Google search results, on websites that are part of the Google Display network, in YouTube videos and in mobile apps.

Google Ads offers segmentation tools and budget adjustment options that allow advertisers to control how their ads are displayed and who they are targeting. It also provides detailed metrics to measure campaign performance and adjust advertising strategies based on results.

Types of Google Ads ads

In Google Ads, there are several types of ads that advertisers can use to promote their products, services, or content. Each type of advertisement has specific characteristics and is adapted to different marketing objectives. Some of the most common types of ads in Google Ads are:

Search Ads

These are text ads that appear in Google search results when users search for specific keywords. Advertisers create ads with titles, descriptions, and destination URLs relevant to user searches.

How does Google Ads work?
SEOTopSecret Search Ad Example

Display Ads

These are graphic or banner ads that are displayed on websites that are part of the Google Display network. These ads can include images, graphics and text, and are used to increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience.

Video Ads

These ads play before, during, or after videos on YouTube and on partner websites. These can be in-stream video ads (shown before or during a video), video discovery ads (shown in YouTube search results), or bumper ads (short ads of up to 6 seconds).

Shopping Ads

These ads show product images along with details such as price, store name, and description. They usually appear in search results when users are looking for specific products to buy.

App Ads

Designed to promote mobile apps, these ads may appear in Google Search, the Google Play Store, and other apps. They may include direct links to the download of the application or specific features.

Discovery Campaign Ads

These ads are displayed in “discovery” environments, such as the “Discover” tab of Google Search, the Gmail inbox, and the YouTube “Home” page. They usually include eye-catching images and attractive titles.

Universal Graphic Ad Ads (Universal App Campaigns)

These ads are automatic and are created to promote mobile apps on multiple channels, including Google Search, Google Play, YouTube and the Display Network.

¿Cómo funciona Google Ads?

How much does Google Ads cost?

The cost of creating a campaign in Google Ads can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the type of ad you choose, the competition in your keywords, the audience you are targeting, the duration of the campaign and your daily budget. Here are some key points to consider in relation to costs:

Daily Budget

In Google Ads, you set a daily budget that you're willing to spend on your ads. You can adjust this budget based on your advertising needs and objectives.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Most ads in Google Ads use the pay-per-click (PPC) model, which means you'll only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The cost per click may vary depending on the competition of the keywords and the quality of your ads and landing pages.

Real-Time Auctions

Google Ads uses a real-time auction system to determine which ads will be shown and in what position. Advertisers compete for visibility based on the bid they're willing to pay per click and the quality of their ads.

Ad Quality and Quality Index

Google assigns a quality score to your ads based on the relevance of your keywords, the quality of your ads, and the landing page experience. Ads with a higher quality score may rank better at a lower cost per click.

Competence and Keywords

Popular and highly competitive keywords often have a higher cost per click. You may need to adjust your keyword strategies to find a balance between relevance and cost.

Segmentation and Audience

Targeting specific audiences can influence costs. Some audiences may have a higher cost per click because of their value to advertisers.

Type of Announcement

Each type of advertisement has different associated costs. For example, Display ads and Video ads may have different costs than Search ads.

Since costs can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above, it's important to carefully plan your campaign strategy and establish a budget that is in line with your marketing objectives. In addition, it is advisable to constantly monitor and analyze your campaigns to adjust your approach according to the results obtained.

Campaign objectives in Google Ads

The objectives in Google Ads refer to the specific results you want to achieve by using this online advertising platform. These objectives are designed to help you achieve different business and marketing goals. Some of the common objectives in Google Ads are the following:

Generate Clicks to the Website

This goal focuses on attracting traffic to your website. You can set up ads that motivate users to click and visit your page for more information or to buy products/services.

Generate Conversions

You can track specific actions on your website, such as purchases, registrations, downloads, or any other type of interaction that is valuable to your business. The goal is for users to perform these actions after clicking on your ads. For example, when a lead fills out a contact form on our website, they are redirected to our thank you page and in SEOTopSecret this is what we count as a successful conversion.

How does Google Ads work?

Increase Brand Visibility

If your goal is to increase awareness and recognition of your brand, you can create ads that are shown to a wide audience and are designed to maximize visibility.

Generate Phone Calls

If you want users to call you directly, you can set up ads that allow users to click to call from their mobile devices.

Increase Video Traffic

If you have video content on YouTube, you can use Google Ads to increase views and engagement on your videos.

Promote Deals and Discounts

You can use special ads to promote deals, discounts, or temporary promotions to entice customers to make a purchase.

Reconnect with Previous Website Visitors

You can use audience segmentation to show ads to users who previously visited your website but didn't take any significant action.

Increase Social Interaction

If you want to increase engagement on your social media profiles, you can target specific audiences with ads that encourage them to follow or interact with you on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

When choosing your goals in Google Ads, it's important that they are consistent with your business goals and that you can measure their success through specific metrics. Each objective requires a different advertising strategy and a specific approach to achieve the best results.

How does Google Ads work?

At SEOTopSecret we are Google Ads experts and we have been working with Google and its algorithm for more than 20 years. Feel free to contact us to help you optimize your Google Ads campaigns and help you achieve the best return on investment for your campaigns.

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