Digital Marketing funnel

The marketing funnel acts as the compass that guides companies to success. This term, also called a conversion funnel, represents the journey that a potential customer takes from discovering a product or service to becoming a customer.
Escrito por
Javier Domínguez
Fecha de Publicación

In the world of digital marketing, the marketing funnel acts as the compass that guides companies to success. This term, also called a conversion funnel, represents the journey that a potential customer takes from discovering a product or service to becoming a customer. In this article, we'll break down the different phases of the marketing funnel, highlight their importance, and present practical strategies for each stage.

What is the Digital Marketing Funnel?

Marketing funnel is a conceptual model that illustrates the process by which consumers move from initial awareness of a product or service to decision-making and action. This funnel is generally divided into three key stages: the top of the funnel (TOFU), the middle of the funnel (MOFU), and the bottom of the funnel (BOFU).

1. TOFU (Top of the Funnel): Awaken Attention

In this phase, the objective is to capture the attention of a wide audience. Strategies such as content marketing, social networks and advertising are essential. Here, the key is to offer interesting and relevant content to awaken interest and generate brand awareness.

2. MOFU (Half the Funnel): Nurturing Interest and Consideration

As users move down the funnel, we seek to fuel their interest. Strategies such as email marketing, webinars and product demonstrations are effective. It's crucial to provide detailed information about the benefits of the product or service to maintain interest and encourage consideration.

3. BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel): Decision Making and Conversion

At this stage, consumers are ready to make decisions. Social proof, guarantees and final demonstrations must be provided. Strategies such as customer testimonials, free trials, and exclusive offers are crucial to driving conversion.

Embudo de Marketing Digital
The Marketing Funnel or “Marketing Funnel”

Examples of content for each stage of the marketing funnel

Top of the Funnel (TOFU) - Awareness:

Educational Blogs:

Publications that address broad topics related to the problems or needs of your audience, but without focusing on promoting specific products. For example, our blog on SEOTopSecret is strategically aligned with the interests of our audiences, so we can attract a greater number of prospects who are actively searching for the solutions we offer on Google.

Ejemplos del embudo de marketing digital


Visual graphics that present relevant data and statistics on a topic of interest to your audience, without directly mentioning your brand or products.

Introductory Videos:

Short films that present your brand and values in a general way, without promoting specific products.Downloadable guides: PDF documents that offer tips, tricks or useful information on a topic related to your industry, without selling your products directly.

Educational Webinars:

Webinars that provide valuable information on topics relevant to your audience, without making direct reference to your products or services.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) - Consideration:

Case Studies:

Detailed stories that show how your products or services have helped solve specific problems for previous customers.

Product Demonstrations:

Videos or live sessions that show how your products work in practice and how they can benefit users.

Free Trials:

Offers that allow users to try your products or services for free for a limited period, helping them to experience their value.

Product Comparisons:

Content that compares your products with those of your competitors, highlighting the unique advantages offered by your brand.

Consulting Sessions:

Offer one-on-one sessions with an expert from your company to discuss specific customer needs and how your products can help address them.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) - Conversion:

Special Offers:

Exclusive discounts or promotions that encourage customers to make a purchase, such as discount coupons or free shipping.

Guarantees and Testimonials:

Show testimonials from satisfied customers and offer satisfaction guarantees to reassure potential customers about the quality of your products.

Success Stories:

Real stories of customers who have had positive results using your products or services, showing how they can benefit others.

Personalized demonstrations:

Live or recorded sessions that show how your products can meet the specific needs of a potential customer.

Clear Calls to aAction:

Buttons or links that direct users to take specific actions, such as “Buy Now” or “Schedule a Consultation”, to facilitate conversion.

Why Segment Content and Adapt it to the Marketing Funnel?


Each stage of the marketing funnel has a different set of customer needs and concerns. By segmenting and adapting content, you can ensure that you're addressing those specific needs at each stage, increasing the relevance of the content to your audience.


Relevant content is more likely to generate interest and engagement from the audience. By providing Content which aligns with the stage in which the potential customer is, you increase the chances that they will move up the marketing funnel and eventually make a purchase or conversion.

Customer Experience:

Adapting content to the marketing funnel shows that you understand the needs and concerns of your potential customers at every stage of the buying process. This helps build a more personalized and engaging customer experience, which can lead to long-term loyalty and satisfaction.

Optimizing Resources:

By segmenting content, you can focus your resources on creating specific and relevant content for each stage of the marketing funnel. This allows you to maximize the impact of your content and optimize the return on investment in marketing.

Measurement and Analysis:

By adapting content to the marketing funnel, you can more effectively track the performance of your marketing strategy at each stage. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach to optimize results. For example, if an ebook on your site isn't receiving the expected downloads, it might be a good idea to review the content of the ebook and evaluate if it's the right medium and time for the stage of the funnel being analyzed.

In short, segmenting and adapting content to the marketing funnel is essential to offering a personalized customer experience, increasing conversion rates and optimizing the effectiveness of your overall marketing strategy.

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