Interview with Naomi Simson Shark Tank Australia

How do you build an e-commerce from scratch? What's behind Shark Tank investors? What are they looking for? What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
Escrito por
Javier Domínguez
Fecha de Publicación

?How do you build an e-commerce or e-commerce business from zero visits to a national success story, exceeding 10,000,000 visits per year? Taking into account that Australia has 25 million inhabitants.

For this first SEOTopSecret interview, I decided to invite someone from whom I have learned a lot. I had the opportunity to work with Naomi Simson in Australia supporting her in the organic growth of and other projects. Without a doubt one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

But... How do you build an ecommerce from scratch? What's behind Shark Tank investors? What are they looking for? What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur? Anyway, I asked Naomi all this and then I present them to her...

These are some of Naomi's deals on Shark Tank...

In the first three seasons of Shark Tank in Australia, the investors were:

  1. Steve Baxter: Entrepreneur, investor and co-founder of PIPE Networks.
  2. Janine Allis: Founder of Boost Juice.
  3. Andrew Banks: Entrepreneur, investor and founder of Talent2 International.
  4. Naomi Simson: Founder of RedBalloon and The Big Red Group.
  5. Glen Richards: Veterinary surgeon and founder of Greencross, an Australian pet care company.

Here are the best deals from Naomi Simson...

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